EU adopts new regulation on cross-border electronic identification and e-signatures
The General Affairs Council, on 23 July 2013, adopted a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the Internal Market. Until the new regulation, the E-Signatures Directive (1999/93/EC) provided the only EU rules relating to e-signatures and said nothing about trust services. The E-Signatures Directive is to be repealed with effect from July 2016 when, with some exceptions, the new regulation will start to apply.
The new regulation sets out rules for cross-border electronic trust services (electronic identification schemes) within the EU (the new rules will only cover cross-border aspects of electronic identification; issuing means of electronic identification remains a national prerogative. The general position at English law remains unchanged – sophisticated electronic signatures are not necessary for the formation of a binding contract) and creates a legal framework for:
- electronic signatures,
- seals and time stamps,
- electronic documents,
- electronic registered delivery services, and
- certificate services for website authentication.