Potential Pitfalls in Data Licensing and Big Data Analytics
The trend in Big Data analytics among companies shows no sign in abating, with companies covetously collecting vast amounts of data with the hopes of harvesting market differentiators. A study by open-source research firm Wikibon, for instance, forecasts an annual Big Data software growth rate of 45% through 2017. But what tools are companies using to implement Big Data solutions? For purposes of this article, let’s set aside for a moment the intended outcome of whatever Big Data project your company has planned in the coming year (whether it be predicting the outcome of Supreme Court cases or helping a baffled spouse pick out the right lingerie set), and instead let’s focus on the tools available in the industry (and some of the associated pitfalls) in getting your company from concept to solution.
First, consider how you are going store and analyze the data. For companies with significant internal resources and focus on Big Data, it may make sense to hire an in-house analytics team and invest in the requisite infrastructure and tools. However, there are many options in the marketplace that require less investment in order to gain actionable insights:
§ Database Marketing Outsourcing: An end to end service often used by retailers in which a supplier licenses data and provides data mining analytics, marketing campaign sales management and analysis, and other ancillary functions.