Protecting Your Data When Your Subcontractor Hires a Subcontractor
When customers sign a contract with a service provider that will be holding the customer’s confidential data (for example, the customer’s business records, human resources data, personally identifiable information, protected health information, payroll data), in addition to laying out the service provider’s responsibility for protecting the data, customers focus on restrictions allowing the customer to audit and confirm over the life of the contact that its data is being stored and maintained securely and appropriately by the service provider.
However, everyone (including service providers) seems to be outsourcing or subcontracting today. Customers must be vigilant about ensuring that their service contracts allow them not only to review, audit and confirm that their service provider is maintaining their data appropriately, but also that the customer can track and audit any customer data held by their service providers’ subcontractors (and those subcontractors’ subcontractors, and so on).
Service providers today frequently partner with subcontractors to provide discrete portions of their suite of services – sometimes those subcontracted services are (arguably) “not material” to the overall scope of the services provided, while sometimes those subcontracted services are mission-critical.