Articles Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus)


iStock-1215953761-wfh-covid-19-300x150As if a global pandemic was not enough to trigger hypervigilance, cybercriminals have seized the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to exploit individuals’ and organizations’ cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

The FBI anticipates a rise in cyber-exploitation during this time, and has warned citizens of the various means of launching a cyberattack. In recent months, amid the precautions and stay-at-home orders to curb the spread of COVID-19, the global workforce has changed drastically to work-from-home environments. This shift poses its own unique risks to both personal cybersecurity, and that of third-party service providers. What’s more, cyber actors are capitalizing on panic and uncertainty by using insidious means to gain access to the personal information of businesses and individuals. Your organization should consider some of the following cyber risk factors as we continue to navigate this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis.

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iStock-577965144-contact-tracking-300x200‘Contact tracing’ is a process used by public health officials to identify individuals who may have come into close proximity with a contagious virus, such as COVID-19. Traditionally, infected persons are asked to identify interactions with people whilst infected or in the days leading up to infection being diagnosed. Health practitioners can then contact those at risk to warn them of potential exposure, what steps to take and how to avoid infecting others.

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Business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) plans are an essential element of your and your suppliers’ business—an increasingly apparent fact as we now face the uncertainty caused by COVID-19. Your agreements with suppliers and service providers likely account for exigent circumstances via force majeure and BC/DR provisions, and reviewing and updating those contingencies now is imperative. In “Time to Review Your (and Your Suppliers’) Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans,” Aaron M. OserJohn L. Barton and Mia Rendar discuss in depth the scrutiny of BC/DR plans that could prove crucial during the pandemic.


In managing relationships with their suppliers during the pandemic, companies will find it in their interest to show some flexibility—but only within certain parameters. In “COVID-19: BCP and Remote Work Notifications from Suppliers,” colleagues Aaron M. Oser and Mario F. Dottori take a practical look at just what this means for often global networks of third-party suppliers and the companies that employ them.