
Sourcing Speak


To the Cloud! Anticipating the Legal Issues in Cloud-Based Gaming

Given the great interest in “the cloud” from a business perspective, as well as Microsoft’s popularization of the concept with its “To the Cloud!” advertising campaign, it’s no wonder that many game providers are looking to the cloud as the next viable and profitable gaming platform. The cloud movement not…


Indian Government Clarifies Application of Privacy and Security Rules

With the same lack of fanfare that accompanied the April 13 release of the Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information rules , today the Indian government released a clarification to those rules to address the most serious concerns arising from ambiguities in the original provisions. As we…


Are You Protected When Your Suppliers Lose Your Data?

Suppliers of IT outsourcing services limit their responsibility for paying damages arising from the loss of customers’ sensitive data (whether or not intentionally lost by the supplier). Only a few years ago, it was commonplace in an IT outsourcing agreement for a supplier to agree to be responsible for any…


Two In a Box Transition Management

Once the ink is dry on a signed outsourcing contract, the real work begins for the customer and the service provider. Before the customer can start to realize any savings, efficiencies or service improvements, the parties must first complete the critical task of transitioning from the customer to the service…


Outsourcing Your Tweets and Walls

A recent survey conducted by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and the American Marketing Association yielded some interesting findings, including: Social marketing budgets are anticipated to increase significantly over the next few years, possibly reaching 18% of total marketing budgets by 2015; and 72% of companies had outsourced some…


Sourcing Enterprise Projects – Understanding and Meeting the Challenges (part 2 of 2)

In part 1 of this discussion we described two front end challenges that, if not properly anticipated and addressed, can (and very often do) derail successful completion of enterprise projects. We’ll now turn to the downstream transactional considerations that can help position a project for success. The Right Contract Architecture…

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