Do you transfer personal data from Europe to the US? Do you use cookies on a website aimed at European customers? Do you send marketing emails to Europe? Do you otherwise “process” data in Europe? Do you really have consent to process personal data? If any of these questions strike…
Sourcing Speak
Accounting for Cybersecurity – (Part 2 of 4)
In Part One of this article, we looked at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Division of Corporation Finance’s recent release – CF Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 2 – Cybersecurity (the “Guidance”), which is intended to provide guidance to companies on whether and how to disclose the impact of the…
Accounting for Cybersecurity – Part One
On October 13 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Division of Corporation Finance released CF Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 2 – Cybersecurity (the “Guidance”), which is intended to provide guidance to companies on whether and how to disclose the impact of the risk and cost of cybersecurity incidents (both malicious…
Beyond Cheap Labor Outsourcing: IT Operations Automation
For the past decade or so, IT organizations looking to lower delivery costs have outsourced day-to-day IT operations activities to IT suppliers who in turn send the work to low cost locations (primarily India). Typically, this is done by executing a knowledge transfer process whereby the IT suppliers capture the…
Macs in the Enterprise?
There’s a small, but growing, group of people that are willing to purchase their own computing devices and software required to be compatible with their Windows-based colleagues, forego most of the help provided by their employers’ IT service desks, figure out how to gain access to exposed enterprise services and…
The Future is {Almost} Here
When I was a kid, the future to me revolved around flying cars. More than a few years later, we still don’t have flying cars (albeit DARPA is trying to develop one in its Transformer program), but given how most people drive, I’m not sure I really want to see…
HP to Keep PC Division
So the pendulum swings the other way and HP has decided to keep its PC division. HP Press Release. Good for HP, there is no shame in reversing a prior decision – especially one that could have significant repercussions. It is a little odd that the review under Meg Whitman’s…
Outsourcing Productivity: Are you getting your share?
There have been numerous articles written over the past couple of years linking productivity gains with the anemic jobs recovery. This spring USA Today ran a story that focused on the US being out of step with the rest of the industrialized nations by having a faster growing economy, but…
Is Your EHR Contract Healthy For Business?
A group of health clinics representing dozens of health care providers recently decided to migrate to an electronic health record (EHR) solution. The clinics selected a system that others in the area had recently adopted and negotiated a software license and hosting agreement with the vendor. When the negotiations were…
It’s Not You, It’s Me: Figuring Out if You Should Re-Negotiate Your Outsourcing Contract
Current economic conditions require companies to realize cost savings quickly, and existing outsourcing relationships are a popular target. In most cases it should be faster and cheaper to re-negotiate an existing deal than it is to engage in a traditional competitive procurement. This approach allows a company to leverage the…