London has just witnessed an amazing summer of sport, with the Olympics and Paralympics having come to a close. Yet the impact of the Games may be broader than simply having provided Londoners (and the world) with a brilliant injection of morale and amazing photo opportunities. There are many chances…
Sourcing Speak
GM Insourcing – The Start of a Trend?
Recent news that General Motors plans to insource the vast majority of its IT support positions caused shockwaves through the IT outsourcing industry. Client satisfaction with outsourcing deals has always been mixed, and one can speculate that after a twenty-plus year wave of outsourcing deals, perhaps it’s time for the…
Don’t Let Your Outsourcing Contract Become a Door Stop
Judging from my 25 years of experience as an outsourcing practitioner, I believe there is widespread consensus among suppliers and customers that, promptly upon their execution, outsourcing contracts should be locked away in a file cabinet never to be looked at again until it is time for them to be…
UK Information Commissioner’s Office issues Guidance on the Deletion of Personal Data under the Data Protection Act 1998
On 16 August 2012, the ICO published guidance on deleting personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). The guidance describes how organisations can ensure compliance with the DPA when they delete or archive personal data, and explains what the ICO means by deletion and archiving and introduces the…
Protecting Your Data When Your Subcontractor Hires a Subcontractor
When customers sign a contract with a service provider that will be holding the customer’s confidential data (for example, the customer’s business records, human resources data, personally identifiable information, protected health information, payroll data), in addition to laying out the service provider’s responsibility for protecting the data, customers focus on…
BPO in the Insurance Industry
Want to learn about trends in BPO in the insurance industry? Please check out my contribution to the Post Online article here (subscription needed to access Post Online).
TUPE: Service Provision Change – Do we need this provision?
Under the previous 1981 Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (TUPE) and the EU Acquired Rights Directive (ARD) it was not clear whether the definition of a relevant transfer caught “outsourcing” activities where there was a change of service providers or a contracting in or out of services.…
Due Diligence in a Cloud Environment
Want to learn more about the key areas customers should consider as part of their cloud computing due diligence exercise? Read my recent article on the topic here.
Innovation in Outsourcing – Oxymoron?
Based on a 2011 Gartner study, numerous website and industry blog postings, and almost every executive I’ve spoken with, it seems that innovation continues to be lacking in outsourcing relationships. All companies want it, all providers promise it, and no one is happy with the actual results. The study offers…
Straight-Through Processing in Outsourcing
What does the ideal outsourcing procurement process look like from the customer’s perspective? It is a process that enables the customer to put in place a deal quickly and efficiently with a minimum of friction and achieves the customer’s business objectives. How often is this ideal realized? Not often enough.…