A recent special report in the Economist focused on the general state of the offshore outsourcing industry, with a particular focus on the emerging trend of companies relocating the performance of IT services from offshore locations to locations closer to home in the United States (known as “re-sourcing”). The report…
Sourcing Speak
Proposed changes to UK’s TUPE will impact outsourcing deals
The UK government has issued a consultation on proposed changes to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/246) (TUPE). TUPE is the UK’s implementation of the Acquired Rights Directive (2001/23/EC) (ARD) and, broadly speaking, protects employees when the business or undertaking for which they work transfers…
Easing Visa Restrictions Means Fewer Headaches for Offshore Suppliers
We have written before on this blog about the visa issues that offshore service providers face when bringing talented resourced to the U.S. from other countries. Since there are a finite number of H1-B visas that can be issued each year, some service providers have sidestepped the limit by obtaining…
A License to Software Should not be a License to Print Money
It pays to closely read the payment terms in your software license. Or rather, it costs if you don’t read them closely enough. I was reviewing a software license for a client recently and came across this term: “We may increase the license fee in a renewal term by giving…
What’s Missing from My Software as a Service (SAAS) Agreement? (Part 2)
As customers continue to embrace Software as a Service (SAAS) solutions that are hosted in the cloud, rather than traditional software solutions that are loaded onto and hosted on the customer’s own environment, they should closely review the contract that will govern their relationship with their SAAS provider. Frequently, we…
What’s Missing from My Software as a Service (SAAS) Agreement? (Part 1)
As customers continue to embrace Software as a Service (SAAS) solutions that are hosted in the cloud, rather than traditional software solutions that are loaded onto and hosted on the customer’s own environment, they should closely review the contract that will govern their relationship with their SAAS provider. Frequently, we…
Processing personal data in Europe? New Binding Corporate Rules for data processors since 1 January 2013
On 1 January 2013, over 4 years after the idea was first discussed, new Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) for data processors were launched following a meeting of European data protection authorities. BCRs are internal codes of conduct which companies within a group can “sign up to” regarding data privacy and…
Legal Process Outsourcing of Intellectual Property Work
Tim Wright and Craig Wolff, partners in Pillsbury’s Global Sourcing practice and Jack Barufka, partner in the IP practice, explain Legal Process Outsourcing. Whatever your viewpoint, there’s no denying that Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) is undergoing a boom, with regular reports in the legal press of its use by law firms…
Privacy Resolutions for Mobile App Providers in the New Year
The end of 2012 saw a flurry of activity in the area of privacy enforcement. In July, Kamala Harris, the Attorney General of California, announced the formation of California’s own state agency, Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Announces Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit to investigate and enforce the state’s robust…
Pillsbury Bloggers in the News: Looking Back at 2012 IT Outsourcing Predictions and Ahead at 2013 Predictions
In a look forward, Aaron Oser was recently quoted in Stephanie Overby’s other recent CIO.com article, “9 IT Outsourcing Trends to Watch in 2013.” One of the trends he suggests to look out for in 2013 is troubled transitions and their potential for disputes. He says, “Customers and suppliers will…