
Sourcing Speak


Of Service Levels, Welfare, and Heartbreak: Indiana vs. IBM

“The details are not the details. They make the design.” – Charles Eames Indiana vs. IBM In 2006 Indiana awarded IBM a contract for more than $1 billion to modernize Indiana’s welfare case management system and manage and process the State of Indiana’s applications for food stamps, Medicaid and other…


BYOD Trends and Best Practices: Part 3 of It’s 2013. Do You Know Where Your BYOD Policies Are?

In Part 3 of “It’s 2013. Do You Know Where Your BYOD Policies Are?” we will address developing BYOD trends and best practices. Please check out Part 1 and 2 of this 3-part series addressing employee and employer concerns, respectively. Recent Findings: Widespread Adoption, Lagging Management Recent studies show that…


Personal Data Transfers from the European Economic Area: Time to Consider Binding Corporate Rules 2.0

Steve Farmer recently published an article in World Data Protection Report titled “Personal Data Transfers from the European Economic Area: Time to Consider Binding Corporate Rules 2.0.” What exactly is the ‘”best” solution for an international business needing to handle and transfer personal data across borders? This has become an…


Employer BYOD Concerns: Part 2 of It’s 2013. Do You Know Where Your BYOD Policies Are?

In Part 2 of “It’s 2013. Do You Know Where Your BYOD Policies Are?” we will discuss employer BYOD concerns. Check out Part 1 to learn more about employee interests; Part 3 will present developing trends and suggest best practices for BYOD policy drafting and implementation. The Employer’s Perspective on…


It’s 2013. Do You Know Where Your BYOD Policies Are?

Imagine you grab your phone only to find it locked, with all of your applications, pictures, and contacts permanently deleted. Imagine your employer’s IT department remote-wiped your phone because they mistakenly believed it was stolen. Better yet, imagine your Angry-Birds-obsessed child triggered an auto-wipe with too many failed password attempts…


Will New Immigration Legislation Impact “Landed” Outsourcing Rates?

Many years ago, I walked through a client’s IT development organization where all the “Onshore” resources from the client’s ADM provider sat in a sea of cubicles. I was there to identify the causes of some issues that had been troubling the relationship and recommend solutions. Having reviewed the contract…


The UK Government consults on proposed changes to the TUPE Regulations

In a previous post, TUPE: Service Provision Change, we discussed that the UK Government had issued a Call for Evidence to review the current Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (“TUPE 2006”) as part of its wider review of reforms to UK employment laws. The Call for Evidence…


2013 Albrecht Report confirms Major Changes in EU Data Laws – Are You Ready?

Why do you need to act urgently even if you feel your data handling is compliant? If you are a US headquartered company do you need to bother with these new EU laws and significant changes proposed? 2013 has already seen the frenetic pace of change from last year continue…


Can IT Outsourcing Learn From Facilities Management Outsourcing?

2013 began with a flurry of articles about companies insourcing work or rethinking their sourcing strategies. The reasons for this vary by company, but often include a perception that outsourcing has not delivered the cost savings, innovation or other value the companies had hoped to realize, particularly in information technology…

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