
Sourcing Speak


Key Takeaways from the UK’s AI Summit: The Bletchley Declaration

The United Kingdom hosted an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety Summit on November 1 – 2 at Bletchley Park with the purpose of bringing together those leading the AI charge, including international governments, AI companies, civil society groups and research experts to consider the risks of AI and to discuss AI…


Drafting Limitation of Liability Clauses: Practical Tips from the UK High Court

A decision of the High Court of the United Kingdom earlier this year is an important reminder that the limitation of liability clause remains a crucial piece of any high value or complex contractual arrangement. The importance of such a clause seeking to restrict a party’s financial exposure in the…


The New UK-U.S. Data Bridge

The UK and U.S. Governments have now formalized the UK-U.S. Data Bridge. The U.S. Attorney General designated the UK as a “qualifying state” for the purposes of the Executive Order 14086 on September 18, 2023, and the UK regulations implementing the Data Bridge are scheduled to take effect on October…


Implementing a Policy for Employee Use of ChatGPT in the Workplace

The use of generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. Generative AI tools include artificial intelligence chatbots powered by “large language models” (LLMs) that learn from (and share) a vast amount of accumulated text and interactions (usually snapshots of the entire internet). These tools are…


AI Systems Adoption: Finding a Balance in Regulated Industries

Innovation has historically been driven by companies in regulated industries—e.g., financial services and health care—and some of the most intriguing use cases for generative AI systems will likely transform these industries. At the same time, regulatory scrutiny could significantly hamper AI adoption, despite the current absence of explicit regulations against…


Earning Your Trust: The Need for “Explainability” in AI Systems

AI systems seem like an exciting, effective new tool. But, as we have seen with Google’s recent struggles with accuracy, and Microsoft’s trouble with sentient, unhinged chat bots, not all of the kinks have been worked out with these tools. In our last post, we discussed the legal risks, and…


The Legal Risks of AI Systems in Technology Services

In our previous post, we provided an introduction to the budding new technology of generative AI, or AI systems. As with the implementation of any new technology, widespread understanding of the risks generally lags behind the speed of the technology itself. When the technology industry began its push “to the…


Artificial Intelligence Systems and Risks in Commercial Contracting

Though the use of artificial intelligence has grown steadily during the past decade, the recent release of OpenAI’s generative AI system, ChatGPT, has led to a precipitous increase in attention and publicity accompanying the rise of powerful generative AI systems. With these generative AI systems come mounting issues and concerns…


U.S. Department of the Treasury Confronts the Risks to the Financial Sector Associated with Cloud Computing

On February 8, 2023, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released a report citing its “findings on the current state of cloud adoption in the sector, including potential benefits and challenges associated with increased adoption.” Treasury acknowledged that cloud adoption is an “important component” of a financial institution’s overall technology…


CFPB Proposed Rule Puts Non-Bank Consumer Contract Clauses Under Heightened Scrutiny

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the primary federal regulator charged with enforcing consumer financial protection laws, recently announced a proposed rulemaking that would require the myriad non-banks subject to CFPB authority to disclose various consumer contract provisions that the CFPB deems potentially harmful on a public registry. These provisions…

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