
Sourcing Speak


New EU Cookie Guidance: Crumbs of comfort or confusion?

As many who have struggled to find a clear way to comply will know, an important change to the EU E-Privacy Directive (implemented by many EU states late 2011/2012) meant that, in summary, websites which target/monitor/profile Europeans have been obliged to seek consent to use cookies via an opt in…


Does this mean I get a refund? Massachusetts Repeals Sales and Use Tax on Computer and Software Services

We previously reported on the Massachusetts computer services tax that became effective on July 31st after the legislature overturned Governor Deval Patrick’s veto of An Act Relative to Transportation Finance. Facing strong opposition from the state’s technology sector the Massachusetts legislature retroactively repealed the tax by passing An Act Repealing…


Obamacare Issues Serve as a Reminder to Embrace Best Practices in Software Development and Integration Projects

October 1st marked the beginning of open enrollment for the federal and state health care exchanges (“Exchanges”) created to comply with the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) of 2010, commonly referred to as Obamacare. The creation of the state and federal exchanges was and is a massive undertaking, involving the “unprecedented…


Contract Issues to Consider if Offshore Services are in your Software as a Service (SAAS) or Cloud Agreement

Customers increasingly are taking advantage of Software as a Service (SAAS) and other cloud-based solutions available in the marketplace. There are of course many legal and commercial issues that customers should consider when evaluating contracts provided by suppliers of these solutions. This post focuses specifically on issues arising when SAAS…


TUPE UPDATE: UK Government publishes its Response to the Consultation

The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (“TUPE”) is in the spotlight as part of the UK Government’s Employment Law Review.  Launched in 2011, the purpose of the review is to reform employment law in order to achieve a fair, effective and flexible labour market in the UK[1].…


Big Data, Big Trouble? Privacy and Legal Concerns with Big Data

Google has figured out that I shop for a lot of children’s clothing online, as my two children grow like weeds. Every time I launch a search, my banner ads link to brands that I have bought previously or similar brands that other consumers may have purchased. That is Big…


Too Much of A Good Thing? Mind the Privacy Implications of iOS 7’s New MDM Capabilities in Your BYOD Workforce

In addition to the consumer hoopla over iOS 7, companies managing BYOD programs also have reason to rejoice. As reported on, iOS 7 brings about a new level of control for companies through expanded app-level MDM Capabilities. MDM, or Mobile Device Management, is the technology that companies use to…


Private Health Exchanges: Preparing for the Affordable Care Act

As the U.S. moves toward full implementation of the Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as Obamacare), employers are seeing new challenges and opportunities in the provision of health coverage and other benefits to their employees.Some predict that ACA will lead to cheaper, better, universal health care. Others predict…


A Step Up on Step-In Rights

Most outsourcing contracts that I see contain a step-in right for the customer. Generally, a step-in right allows the customer to take over the outsourced operations if the supplier cannot or does not perform, and then “step out” when the supplier demonstrates that it will meet its contractual obligations. How…


New watchdog study shows that approximately half of all web privacy policies are non-compliant and risk enforcement action

It has been said for some time that data is the new oil, but many global organizations continue to struggle to comply with regulatory requirements when it comes to the exploitation of this valuable resource. A recent worldwide audit of over 2,000 websites, coordinated by the Global Privacy Enforcement Network…

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